Hello Universe! Welcome to my mind-outlet, where I fangirl, rant and update you on my Daily Fails :) If you feel this is worth your time, subscribe by clicking the button at the bottom of the page and we can be friends :)

Friday, 27 December 2013

No Christmas

My excuse for not making a 'Christmas Special' post...
I'm Brown.

You need to understand that a load of brown people don't really do anything for Christmas... It's just another normal day.... 
WAIT. I know one thing all us brown peeps do do.... Take advantage of all the sales and discounts in various shops!!! :D ;)

However, this time I did do some thing on Jesus' B'Day :p

1. Study
2. Study
3. Study
4. Went out for dinner with family fwends
5. Study
6. Study

How eventful right???!! :p

And just one more thing.... 
*draws in breath*


 Yes. I did.
I'll tell you the whole story next time... Or some time anyway :p

So Merry Christmas (belated)... I'll make a New Year's post don't worry.. :D ;) That us folks do celebrate... but did you know that different cultures in India have different New Years? I'll tell you about it next time as well cuz I really have to go...
But if by some disastrous reason I do not end up posting on New Year's... 
HAPPY 2014 !!! (in advance)


Reminds me of Hufflepuff (a little) for some reason... Don't sue me it's just an opinion :p

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