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Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Sowwee for not writing for so many years.... But I was in a parallel universe. Don't worry. I'm back. With a fatal obsession with Doctor Who. I want to live in the Tardis and outwit the living embodiment of Satan. I also think David Tennant is the sexiest man alive and that he should rule over us all. Also, I cannot accept Matt Smith as the new Doctor just yet. It'll take some time... Allons-y!!!! :p
So a lot of things have not happened since we last met in 300 BC. OKAY!!! I'll be normal!!! :D
Well. I'm buried under precarious amounts of homework. It's crazy!! My teachers are all insane. Anyway... Let's turn our back on homework for just these few precious minutes and think deep philosophical thoughts...
So last time, I showed you around Mumbai a bit... Today, I wanna talk about The Future.
Do you remember me going on about being concerned about my future? So instead of just SAYING that... I thought I'd discuss it...
So I am trying to choose between two TREMENDOUSLY different fields...

1. Surgery. Now at first I thought it was just the Grey's Anatomy phase of my life and that eventually it'll pass and the idea of going to medical school will be as unappealing as it always seemed... :p But then I've been thinking about being a surgeon for over two years now... :O So the question is, is it just a phase? Or has Grey's Anatomy struck a part of me I never noticed existed. Now I am not afraid of blood and insides of people. I LOVE watching Christina Yang crack open the chest cavity to trace an unknown bleed. It doesn't gross me out like I thought it would.... In fact.... I like it. I still remember the time when a kid in my building fell and there was literally blood EVERYWHERE. I really don't want to sound like I'm seeking praise here, but I did manage to stop the bleeding, and reduce the swelling on my own.... And it was such a high. I was only about 11.... So I didn't know much... But I did manage... :) And it had been great fun ordering the other kids to get cotton and ice and towels while I instructed the kid who was hurt... But there is that ever-present problem. Surgery means hard work. INCREDIBLY tough and hard work. And I am the most LAZY person ever. I procrastinate all the time. Surgeons are not like that. Surgeons can't put things off and forget and waste time like I do... And yes I know I'm only in the 9th and there are so many years left but Hey! Before you know it... I'll be tearing my hair wondering why i didn't figure it out earlier. (Cuz I PROCRASTINATE) :P So that. Plus Medical School is the wastage of FIVE precious years of one's life... :'(

2. Then there's the vague direction I want my life to go.... A writer+singer+stage actress+artist... But the thing is.... Being recognized in these sectors is REALLY tough. When you train to be a surgeon... You have a fixed goal. Also, if I don't get famous and if people don't like my work... I'm screwed :( I want have any cash, I'll be disheartened.... Being the glass-half-empty person that I am... I focus on the things that go wrong first before I look at the goods :p So let's be positive. If I did get recognized.... I would have to be REALLY BLOODY brilliant to keep it up and try to rise... Being famous is seriously tough. When I look at myself, I feel so untrained. No singing lessons, no guitar lessons, no influence whatsoever and primarily, NO confidence. Well... There is some confidence, but it takes a lot of persuading, counseling and caffeine to go ahead. I always want to sing... I just don't want to get insistent and annoying... Okay. I make no sense. But the thing is... Writing, acting, singing... They come to me so much easier than studying Physiology. I mean, on an average day I'd much rather sing, or read a book, or write a couple chapters, or paint, than study about the Human Digestive System. Come on. Obviously. But there's this part of me that's just DYING to peer into a human body cavity and check out the organs.... :p I know, I know. I'm gross and you're starting to get a bit scared. I don't KNOW!!!!! :'( :'( I'm so confuuuuuuuuuused.

I started writing this post in the morning and have been writing throughout the day!! :O That's how lazy I've become :'( So I really don't know what else to write about. Next time's post shall be on an issue every girl seems to be tearing her hair about... I'll delve into it... Okay? For now... I'm gonna go feel miserable :p


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