Hello Universe! Welcome to my mind-outlet, where I fangirl, rant and update you on my Daily Fails :) If you feel this is worth your time, subscribe by clicking the button at the bottom of the page and we can be friends :)

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The Desperate and Desolate...

So here I am, writing my first blog EVER, waiting desperately for those shivers of excitement to start pulsing inside me.... But pft, was I ever disappointed. All I've got to cheer me on right now, is the happy news that I'm a sniffling, moaning wreck who skipped school... One may think that skipping school is a WONDERFUL thing, but, strange as it is... I HATE HATE HATE missing school!!! All the terrible things that can happen when you miss even 1 day of school... Okay, I'll make a list...

1. You miss difficult-subject classes ie Chemistry.
(I LOATHE Chemistry and have never seen any point in learning all those stupid formulae and equations and reactions and heaven-knows-what-else)

2. You miss out on gossip of the day, and other funny things that may happen, resulting in you sitting, feeling left-out while you're friends giggle and slap high-fives while talking about the aforementioned 'funny thing' that you were unfortunate enough to miss.

3. You have to waste your tome calling someone else up to find out what happened in class, when you could have been there, getting all the info first hand.

4. You get tooooo much time to simply sit around at home, pitying yourself, feel wasted and miss your friends.

5. Errm... I can't really think of any more... And i don't feel like racking my brains....

So my first blog didn't really start off on the most cheerful note.... Oh well... Doesn't matter.... I'm now going to make a list of things I REALLY feel like doing right now. Like, REALLY.

1. Eating ultra-gooey chocolate cake. (To hell with calories!!!!)

2. Drinking a large mug of Bru Lite Coffee.

3. Going to the seashore, sitting on a large rock and meditating.

4. Texting my best friend.(No point, since she's enjoying the luxuries of a Day at School while I'm busy being sick)

5. Watching some wonderful, emotionally-charged movie. (Bad idea, since sniffling anymore will just DESTROY ME)

6. Reading the 6th book of Princess Diaries. (I neeeeeed to go to the library!!!!)

7. Going to sleep. (Aha! Now that's a possibility!)

So there you have it.... I think, I'll go see if there's any coffee... OMG I just remembered!!!! There's this awesome brownie mix at home!!!!! YESSS!!!!! I think I'm a clairvoyant!!!!! Yeaaa!!!!



  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogspot! Sorry that your feeling sick, but I'm in the same stitch as you! Sick and at home. :( I hate missing school or basketball practice(which I did yesterday). I feel like I'm being lazy, even though I know I'm not. Anyways, hope you feel better! :)

    1. Aww thanks Laura:)It's really relieving to know that SOMEONE else on this planet hates missing school as well:) Most are just like, "Ohh I wish I were sick!" How shallow... :P
