Hello Universe! Welcome to my mind-outlet, where I fangirl, rant and update you on my Daily Fails :) If you feel this is worth your time, subscribe by clicking the button at the bottom of the page and we can be friends :)

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Women 24x7

It's just another day today.
Well, it's International Women's Day.
Which is a day like any other.

I know I'm definitely not the first person saying that this specific day should not be that ONE day when people try to comprehend the worth and importance of women but instead they should respect us every single day.

Everyday should be an International "We're All Equal" Day, where we rejoice our existence and work for a better today and tomorrow.
Everyday should be an International "Much Unity, Very Love" Day where we support each other, no matter what caste, creed, gender, sexual orientation, colour, race, economic background, social status etc etc etc they identify with.

Because IDENTITY in itself, is a very important word. It is something that should have broad horizons and a timeless understanding. One should be able to be who they want, without fear or bias. If you're a woman, you don't have to be delicate, gentle, quiet, empathetic or motherly. If you're a man, you don't have to be strong, fearless or less sensitive.
If you are, good for you!
If you aren't, good for you!
There is no criteria you need to fulfill, to exist as a free, independent human being with an identity completely unique to you.

Of course, this doesn't mean one can commit crimes, hurt others, destruct peace and then sing "Baby I Was Born This Way".
You were not born that way.
Your circumstances and choices and other influences made you that way.
And then if you do something wrong, it's not freaking God's will or Society's will, it's your will.
And sometimes, you're wrong.
So I guess you should try your best to move along the path that is right. (And common sense dictates which one that is, I believe)

I originally wanted to talk about India's Daughter, where I'd rant about the heinous statements made by the defense lawyers of the rapists, disgusting sexist comments of various people of authority, public outcry, the BBC Documentary etc.
But somehow, the idea of contaminating the post with the hatred and disgust I feel towards these ministers, lawyers, police inspectors etc etc seemed like something I just didn't want to do.
I just want this post to be about equality, compassion and protection of all humans from ignorance and injustice and not another reminder of the wrongs that have been committed.

So I have to go now, as I have my final math paper tomorrow.
But I'd like to conclude this post by saying that:

I hope that this Women's Day helps, even if it's just a little bit, towards promoting love and respect towards women because seriously, it's 2015, and anyone who feels that women are not worthy of all that, is probably MASSIVELY mislead or IMMENSELY stupid.
Or both.

Quote Time!!!


Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Bored of Boards

Hello World!!
I really wanted to say that I went to hell and back, but I'm still in hell so I guess that phrase isn't particularly applicable here:)
The hell I am referencing here is in fact my ICSE BOARD EXAMS.
These are the board exams that a student gives after completing tenth standard. There are various different boards (systems), but I study under the ICSE. Which is a ton of trash.

Either way, those *ahem* lovely things are going on right now and I have 6 exams left (well 5.5 really since one of them is Art). I had HistoryCiv today and I think it went pretty well. Yesterday, after a full day of studying, I was completely worn out and sad. I was also feeling really awful about missing the Ed Sheeran concert that was at Mahalaxmi Racecourse only this Sunday. I met up with some friends yesterday and all they did was talk about it and I just had to listen to them blabber on an on about how great is was and how sad it is that it actually had to end at some point. I just stood there like "srsly dude idek wtf is my life smh" and came home and sat, staring at a wall for about 15 minutes just LOATHING my life.
Better than jesus.

Apparently he wore a kurta and had an Indian Flag with him. Apparently he sang all the most beautiful songs and asked the crowd to do harmonies. Apparently he spent time with Bollywood celebrities after that. Apparently he loved Mumbai so much that he promised he'd come back.

Okay I'm just disappearing in regret now.
Anyway, if he does indeed come back then I'll DEF GO  FOR IT.
So yeah.

Also, fun fact! I started vlogging recently.
It's so much fun!!!
I do it on my phone camera so the quality is kind of crap, but still, it makes me really happy :)
I'm never gonna upload or in fact, show them to anyone ever, probs, but they're present as a reminder of who I was.... You know, memories and stuff :D

Okay short post today cuz I gotta go study geography and stuff but I promise I will update soon!!


Is it just me or does the gradual disintegration effect remind you just a LEEETLE bit of that of Voldemort at the end of Deathly Hallows pt 2??? 
Sorry :p
Too many fandoms :)
